APS Care 

Empowering APS patients to monitor their symptoms, track medication adherence, access educational resources, and connect with healthcare professionals for support and guidance.

APS Care is an application designed to empower patients diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) to manage their condition effectively.

The app provides comprehensive features for symptom monitoring, medication tracking, access to educational resources, and connection with healthcare professionals and support networks.


10 Months    60+ Screens

June 2023 - April 2024
  • Senior Product Designer

I lead user-centric design efforts, conduct research on Antiphospholipid Syndrome, create intuitive user experiences, collaborate with teams, ensure accessibility, conduct usability testing, and advocate for inclusivity and awareness about APS.


So what is Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)?

Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that requires ongoing management and monitoring. The APS Care app is designed to assist patients diagnosed with APS in effectively managing their condition, improving their quality of life, and fostering a sense of empowerment and control over their health.

This case study delves into the user experience design process behind the creation of the APS Care app.






Test & Launch


01 Research

Understanding Patient’s needs, challenges, and pain points.

During the research phase, the primary goal is to understand the needs, challenges, and behaviors of individuals diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS).

Research Activities for Understanding APS Patient Needs:

1.Literature Review

  • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature, academic papers, and medical journals related to Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS).
  • Identify key findings, trends, and gaps in knowledge regarding APS patient experiences, challenges, and preferences.

As for the demographics of APS patients, here are some key points


APS can affect both men and women, but it is more common in women, especially during their childbearing years.


APS can affect individuals of any ethnic background. However, some studies suggest that certain populations, such as individuals of African, Asian, or Hispanic descent, may have a higher prevalence of APS or be more severely affected by the condition.


APS can occur at any age, but it is more frequently diagnosed in individuals between the ages of 20 and 50. However, APS can affect individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly.


APS is also associated with pregnancy complications, such as recurrent miscarriages, stillbirths, and pre-eclampsia. Women of childbearing age with APS may require specialized medical care and monitoring during pregnancy to reduce the risk of complications.

Underlying Conditions


Design and distribute surveys to a larger sample of APS patients to gather quantitative data on symptom management, medication adherence, access to resources, and communication with healthcare providers.

Patient Interviews 

In-depth user interviews were conducted with 6 APS patients to gain qualitative insights into their daily routines, medication adherence, symptom-tracking habits, and challenges in managing their condition. These interviews helped uncover nuanced user needs and preferences that informed the design of APS Care.

Expert Interviews

  • Interview healthcare professionals specializing in rheumatology, hematology, and other relevant fields to gain insights into the clinical management of APS and the challenges faced by patients.

Gather perspectives on current practices, treatment protocols, and areas where patients often struggle or require additional support.

“As a rheumatologist specializing in APS, I witness daily the challenges patients face in managing their condition. Symptom tracking, medication adherence, and access to educational resources are key areas where patients often struggle. Collaborative efforts are needed to develop patient-centered solutions that address these challenges and improve patient outcomes.”

Dr. Shereen aminConsultant of Rheumatology
02 Define

Defining Objectives and Key Features

Grouping and communicating the findings

Synthesized insights were gathered from user interviews, surveys, and expert consultations to identify common themes, pain points, and opportunities.

Problem Statement

Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) patients face significant challenges in effectively managing their condition and accessing necessary support and resources. Despite the complexities involved in APS management, there is a lack of user-friendly and comprehensive tools available to empower patients in their healthcare journey.

Existing solutions often fail to address the diverse needs of APS patients, including symptom monitoring, medication tracking, educational resources, and connectivity with healthcare professionals and support networks.

This fragmented landscape results in:

Inefficient Symptom Management


APS patients struggle to accurately track and monitor their symptoms over time, leading to difficulties in communicating their health status to healthcare providers and making informed treatment decisions.


Allow users to log and monitor their symptoms over time, facilitating better communication with healthcare providers.

Medication Adherence Issues


The absence of dedicated medication tracking tools makes it challenging for patients to adhere to their treatment regimens, leading to suboptimal health outcomes and increased risk of complications.


Enable users to keep track of their medications, dosage schedules, and any side effects experienced.

Limited Access to Educational Resources


Patients lack easy access to reliable educational resources about APS, hindering their ability to understand their condition, treatment options, and self-care strategies.


Provide access to articles, videos, and FAQs about APS, helping patients understand their condition and treatment options.

Lack of Connectivity and Support


The absence of a centralized platform for connecting with APS peer support networks leaves patients feeling isolated and undersupported in managing their condition.


Facilitate connections with other APS patients for peer support, sharing experiences, and advice.

Doctors and Appointment Reminders


Managing APS requires attending many medical appointments, but patients often struggle to remember them due to daily life and cognitive challenges of chronic illness. Without a centralized platform linking APS specialists, healthcare providers, and support networks, patients feel isolated and unsupported.


Allows users to find and connect with APS specialists and healthcare professionals in their area.

Diagnostic Results


APS patients often face challenges in finding a centralized location to store their Diagnostic Results from the various tests they undergo.


Allow users to have a dedicated space to store all of their Diagnostic Results and to easily share these results with their healthcare providers for better collaboration and informed decision-making regarding their treatment plans.

Persona Development

Utilizing all previous findings and conclusions, I developed detailed personas representing different segments of the target audience, including Heba, a newly diagnosed APS patient; John, a long-term APS survivor; and Sandra, a first-time mother APS patient.

Personas help ensure that the app meets its users’ diverse needs and preferences.

Defined User Journeys

Mapped out the typical user journeys within the app, from initial sign-up and onboarding to daily usage and engagement with key features.

Identify potential pain points or barriers that users may encounter at each stage and brainstorm solutions to address them.

03 Design

Crafting a User-Centric Interface

In the Design phase, the focus is on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that cater to the diverse needs of APS patients

Information Architecture

Develop the app’s information architecture, including the organization of content, navigation structure, and hierarchy of features.

Creating wireframes

Translate requirements into wireframes by utilizing the defined objectives, key features, user personas, and user journeys from the Define Phase. This process aids in generating design concepts for the APS Care app and visualizing the layout and flow of screens.


Created interactive low-fidelity prototypes of key screens and user flows using Figma.

Prototypes allow for early testing and validation of design concepts, enabling the team to iterate and refine the user experience before moving into development.

Testing and creating Feedback Loops

Establish feedback loops with stakeholders, including users, designers, developers, and product managers, to gather input and iterate on the design concepts.

Conduct usability testing sessions with representative users to validate design decisions and identify areas for improvement, then apply the changes as follows:


I feel overwhelmed by the large number of form fields i have to fill all at once.

Broke down the long form into multiple steps to reduce the cognitive load for the user, enabling them to concentrate on a smaller set of inputs at each stage.

This enhances manageability and reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed by the task.

I want to find doctors in different categories and search for them without typing.

Create a search for doctors in various categories without typing by:

1-Adding a search field that allows users to refine their search based on specific specialties by clicking on options.

2-Implemented a voice/text search feature where users can choose to type or verbally specify their desired doctor category (e.g., “pediatricians” or “dermatologists”) using a microphone icon/button.”

Visual Design & Design system

Crafted the app’s visual design, encompassing color schemes, typography, icons, and imagery. Guarantee that the design adheres to the app’s branding guidelines and mirrors the desired user experience, emphasizing a clean and intuitive interface.


The design system for APS Care app prioritizes intuitiveness and user-friendliness. It employs a soothing and inclusive color scheme with high contrast for enhanced readability. Additionally, the incorporation of large buttons and clear icons enhances accessibility, catering to users with visual impairments or mobility limitations


SF Pro Text

A a

Regular A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Medium A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Bold A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Color palette









Components library

Tab bar
Search bar
Navigation bar
Text fields
Radio button

After completing these activities in the Design Phase, I was able to develop a comprehensive and user-centered design for APS Care app that aligned with the defined objectives and met the needs of its target audience

04 Build

Translating the finalized design concepts into a tangible, functional Solution

During the Build Phase of the APS Care app, I helped translate design concepts into functional app elements by working closely with front-end developers. I provided detailed design specifications, including layouts, typography, colors, and visuals, to guide the development process effectively.

I used Figma’s app development mode to convert the finalized designs into code and assets, getting everything ready to establish a design system for APS Care.

Created reusable UI components and patterns to ensure consistency and coherence across the entire app. Document these components in a design system or style guide, outlining usage guidelines, variations, and behavior to ensure uniform implementation across various screens and features.

Ensured that the app design complies with accessibility standards and guidelines to accommodate users with disabilities by collaborating with developers to implement accessible features, such as keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and high contrast mode, to make the app inclusive and usable for all users.

05 Test & Launch

Refining User Experience Through Feedback

Conducted usability testing sessions using beta versions of the app with real users to validate design decisions and gather insights into user behavior, evaluating the app’s design, functionality, and overall user experience. During these sessions, I observed how users interacted with the app, identified usability issues or pain points, and collected feedback on specific features or design elements.

Based on user feedback and usability testing results, I iterated on the app’s design and functionality to address identified issues and improve overall usability and user satisfaction.

By actively engaging in the Test and Iterate Phase of the app design process, I was able to refine and optimize the APS Care app to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience that effectively meets the needs of individuals living with Antiphospholipid Syndrome.

06 Maintain

Ensuring Long-Term Reliability and Enhancement

As the senior product designer now in the maintenance phase of the APS Care app, my role is critical for ensuring the ongoing success and enhancement of our application. Building upon the successful launch and user adoption, my expertise in design strategy, user experience, and product management will be instrumental in shaping the app’s evolution.

Some of my responsibilities will include:

User Feedback Analysis

Lead the analysis of user feedback collected from various channels, including in-app feedback forms, customer support interactions, and app store reviews. Synthesize user insights and identify recurring themes, pain points, and feature requests to inform prioritization and decision-making.

Feature Prioritization

Collaborate with product managers and stakeholders to prioritize feature enhancements and iterations based on user feedback, business goals, and technical feasibility. Advocate for user-centric design decisions that prioritize usability, accessibility, and user satisfaction.

Design System Maintenance

Oversee the maintenance and evolution of the app’s design system or style guide to ensure consistency, scalability, and efficiency in design implementation. Update design components, patterns, and guidelines as needed to accommodate new features, platform updates, and emerging design trends.

Design Quality Assurance

Establish and enforce design quality standards and best practices to maintain a high level of design excellence and consistency throughout the app. Conduct regular design audits and reviews to identify and address any inconsistencies, visual discrepancies, or usability issues.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Facilitate cross-functional collaboration between design, development, product management, and QA teams to ensure alignment on design priorities, implementation details, and delivery timelines. Act as a liaison between design and other teams to address design-related challenges and facilitate effective communication.

Design Optimization and Performance

Collaborate with development and QA teams to optimize the app’s design and performance, including reducing app size, improving loading times, and optimizing visual assets. Conduct performance audits and usability testing to identify opportunities for optimization and refinement.

Accessibility Compliance

Ensure that the app design remains compliant with accessibility standards and guidelines, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), by conducting regular accessibility audits and testing. Advocate for accessibility improvements and prioritize enhancements that improve the app’s usability for users with disabilities.

Continuous Improvement Initiatives

Drive initiatives for continuous improvement in design processes, tools, and methodologies to enhance efficiency, collaboration, and innovation within the design team. Encourage a culture of experimentation, learning, and iteration to foster creativity and growth.

User Advocacy and Empathy

Advocate for the needs and interests of users throughout the app maintenance process, championing user-centered design principles and empathetic design practices. Use qualitative and quantitative data to advocate for design decisions that prioritize user satisfaction and engagement.

Community Engagement

Engage with the app's user community to gather feedback, share updates, and represent their interests within the organization, ensuring their needs shape strategic decisions.

Through active participation in these initiatives during the Maintain Phase, we will secure the enduring success, relevance, and impact of the APS Care app, empowering individuals with Antiphospholipid Syndrome to effectively manage their condition and enhance their quality of life.

Join with ease

Login and Registration

Start with intuitive and easy-to-use login and registration

Let's get to know you

Personal Information and History

Receive personalized content tailored to your condition by providing your medical and personal information.

Stay connected

Connect with your doctors

Find and book appointments with the best doctor

Stay on Schedule

Track Your Medication with Ease in the APS Care App!

Effortlessly manage your treatment regimen, set reminders, and never miss a dose

Stay Ahead of Symptoms

Monitor Your Health with APS Care Symptom Tracker!

Track changes, identify patterns, and stay proactive in managing your APS symptoms for better health outcomes.

Insights at Your Fingertips

View Your Diagnostic Results

Access your APS test results quickly and conveniently, empowering you to stay informed about your health.”

Stay Organized

Manage Your Medical Appointments with Ease!

Effortlessly schedule, track, and prepare for your appointments, ensuring you never miss a crucial healthcare visit.

Connect & Thrive

Join the APS Care Community

Engage with fellow APS warriors, share experiences, find support, and stay informed

Knowledge Empowers

Explore APS Education Hub in Our App!

Access trusted resources, latest research, and expert insights to better understand and manage APS

If you've got a brilliant concept itching to become a reality, let's talk!

Whether you need help from initial brainstorming to prototyping and final design, I'm here to provide comprehensive product design services tailored to your vision. Let's work together to create a seamless and user-centric design solution that resonates with your audience and brings your product to its fullest potential.

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